Forbidden Love
A strange ship lands on one of King Cold�s planets without authorization! He does not tolerate that kind of intrusion of course and has the pilot of the ship taken prisoner. But when the pilot claims to be half Ice�jin, and he hears what the young lady has to say, he decides to spare her life. King Cold orders his youngest son to keep an eye on the girl and figure out that she�s capable of. Young Frieza can�t stand her, because she does not seem to be afraid of him at all and proves to him why. He decides to train her. Then something happens that makes King Cold leave the planet in a hurry, leaving Frieza and Xerena by themselves. Will they stay on the planet? Or will they go out to look for thrills they have never experienced before? And what is King Cold gonna say about that, since he has ordered his son to keep the girl on the planet!?

Isaiah and Alyx
Frieza's Son
After Xerena escapes Frieza�s attack her ship takes her to a safe planet where she is taken care of in a hospital. The only thing that kept her alive during the trip, was the strong life within her. She is shocked when the doctors tell her this so they are willing to release her of it. Furiously she let�s them know that that is not what she wants! This little life is the only thing she has left of her relationship with the young prince, and she will not abandon it! She will probably never see Frieza again�. Or will she? And how will he respond to the child? And how will King Cold respond when he finds out that Frieza did not kill the halfblood girl?

Isaiah's Story
A young Ice�jin is found drifting in space and taken to planet Frieza. Could it be Frieza�s thought to be dead son?? How the heck did he end up in space? Isaiah lives with the heavy burden of the death of his mother and soul mate. When Frieza hears his story he finds out that there are still Azori�jins left. But Isaiah does not want him to go after them since they are to incredibly strong. He is afraid that they will kill his father and then he has no one left! Isaiah wants his father to be proud of him, but the only way he can do that, is for him the impossible way. He does not want to become a feared conqueror who does not care for weaker life, like his father. Will Frieza accept that? Can Isaiah live in his father�s world the way he wants him to?

Soul Mates
In his hour of need, Isaiah finds comfort in his long lost soul mate and he goes out to find her and rescue her from the life she lives and does not want. Will he be able to free her from the Azori�jins who keep her with them? Later Isaiah is so afraid that she will not like him for who he is, since he thinks he�s some kind of freak. And she is afraid that he will not like her for she thinks that she�s not good enough to be around him since her husband-to-be always made her believe that. Will they be able to heal each other�s hurts? Will they find back what was taken from them, years ago? What happens when Frieza finds out the hard way that Isaiah is way stronger then he is and never told him about that??
(c) Copyright 2002-2003, Azori'jin Alyx ([email protected])
A simple design by Gerrit Meinders ([email protected])